Os Senhores da Guerra

"There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force,its own Navy,its own fundraising mechanism,and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest,free from all cheeks and balances,and free from the law itself."
Senator Daniel K. Inouye of USA
Senator Daniel K. Inouye of USA
"In the councils of government,we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence,whether sought or unsought,by the military-industrial complex".
Dwight D Eisenhower
As fontes do terrorismo no link a seguir--
AntiNato19 out. 2010 ... O império inclusivo. Não obstante as naturais disputas e contradições .... Com ou sem Obama a NATO é uma máquina de fabricar guerras e de ...antinatoportugal.wordpress.com/ -
A Otan/Nato e o Terrorismo: www.bilderberg.org/2004.htm#gladio /http://www.bilderberg.org/
NATO - Homepage - [ Traduzir esta página ]
Military alliance of democratic states in Europe and North America.
Employment - Organization - NATO - What is NATO? - Contact uswww.nato.int/ -
Draft Of New NATO Mission Statement Released
NO NATO - No to NATO - [ Traduzir esta página ]
Nato.Org - [ Traduzir esta página ]
Click here for NATO.int. WhiteHouseComments.Com is not affilliated with the United States Government, or The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.www.nato.org/ -
Timetable Abandoned: U.S. And NATO To Wage Endless War In Afghanistan
Oil? We're Here for the Heroin! (at $19923200 per barrel!) - Truth ...
12 Mar 2010 ... The price of a barrel of oil is sitting right at $83-84 at this moment. ... Russia criticizes U.S., NATO over Afghan drug trafficking fight ...www.truthistreason.net/oil-were-here-for-the-heroin-at-19923200-per-barrel
Nazi influence on NATO - Defensive Treaty? - North Atlantic Treaty ... - [ Traduzir esta página ] See International Crisis Center (ICG) web page at http://www.crisisweb.org/. 21. Associated Press, 18 August 2001. 22. See NATO Press Conference, Skopje, ...www.bilderberg.org/nato.htm -
Semana de acção em Lisboa10 [Anti-guerra Anti-NATO] Semana de ...
30 out. 2010 ... The Anti-NATO activities are based in four main axis: - A Counter Summit - Peace Square (place to be confirmed) - One big demo (org. PSNN) ...pagan.pegada.net/ -
NATO - Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte · NATO (satélite), o satélite de telecomunicações .nato. Obtida de "http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO" ...pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO -
The shadowy Government no próximo link:
The Hidden Evil: The Council on Foreign Relations - [ Traduzir esta página ]
http://rick-beyondtheveil.blogspot.com/ more links in this blog
NATO - Homepage - [ Traduzir esta página ]
Military alliance of democratic states in Europe and North America.
Employment - Organization - NATO - What is NATO? - Contact uswww.nato.int/ -
Draft Of New NATO Mission Statement Released
NO NATO - No to NATO - [ Traduzir esta página ]
Nato.Org - [ Traduzir esta página ]
Click here for NATO.int. WhiteHouseComments.Com is not affilliated with the United States Government, or The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.www.nato.org/ -
Timetable Abandoned: U.S. And NATO To Wage Endless War In Afghanistan
Oil? We're Here for the Heroin! (at $19923200 per barrel!) - Truth ...
12 Mar 2010 ... The price of a barrel of oil is sitting right at $83-84 at this moment. ... Russia criticizes U.S., NATO over Afghan drug trafficking fight ...www.truthistreason.net/oil-were-here-for-the-heroin-at-19923200-per-barrel
Nazi influence on NATO - Defensive Treaty? - North Atlantic Treaty ... - [ Traduzir esta página ] See International Crisis Center (ICG) web page at http://www.crisisweb.org/. 21. Associated Press, 18 August 2001. 22. See NATO Press Conference, Skopje, ...www.bilderberg.org/nato.htm -
Semana de acção em Lisboa10 [Anti-guerra Anti-NATO] Semana de ...
30 out. 2010 ... The Anti-NATO activities are based in four main axis: - A Counter Summit - Peace Square (place to be confirmed) - One big demo (org. PSNN) ...pagan.pegada.net/ -
NATO - Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte · NATO (satélite), o satélite de telecomunicações .nato. Obtida de "http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO" ...pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO -
The shadowy Government no próximo link:
The Hidden Evil: The Council on Foreign Relations - [ Traduzir esta página ]
http://rick-beyondtheveil.blogspot.com/ more links in this blog
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