Order out of Chaos.Primeiro dividiram para reinar,agora do caos sairá a nova ordem.'Os fins justificam os meios' é também um dos seus motos. http://senhoresdomundo.blogspot.com/2005/06/os-senhores-do-mundo.html

Monday, May 21, 2007

A Nova Ordem Globalista

Os novos senhores do mundo não precisam de governar directamente.Os governos nacionais encarregam-se de administrar os negócios por conta deles.A nova ordem é a unificação do mundo num único mercado.Os Estados mais não são do que empresas,com gerentes a fazer a vez de governos,e as novas alianças regionais parecem mais fusões comerciais do que federações políticas.

In "A 4ª Guerra Mundial Já Começou". ( http://a4guerramundial.blogspot.com/ )


A Globalização da Pobreza

Desde o início dos anos 80 os programas de "estabilização macroeconómica" e de "ajustamento estrutural" impostos pelo FMI e pelo Banco Mundial a países em vias de desenvolvimento(como condição para a renegociação de sua dívida externa) têm conduzido ao empobrecimento de centenas de milhões de pessoas.Ao contrário do espirito do acordo de Bretton Woods,que assentava na "reconstrução económica" e na estabilidade das principais taxas de cambio,o programa de ajustamento estrutural tem contribuido em larga medida para a desestabilização das divisas nacionais e a ruina das economias em vias de desenvolvimento.
O poder de compra interno entrou em colapso,assiste-se a surtos de fome,são encerrados centros de saude e escolas,o direito á educação básica é negado a centenas de milhões de crianças. Em várias regiões em vias de desenvolvimento as reformas conduziram ao recrudescimento de doenças infecciosas tais como a tuberculose,a malária e a colera.Enquanto o mandato do Banco Mundial consiste em "combater a pobreza" e proteger o ambiente o seu apoio a grandes projectos hidroelétricos e agro-industriais acelerou igualmente o processo de deflorestação e a destruição ambiental,com a consequente deslocação forçada e expulsão de vários milhões de pessoas.
A Nova Ordem Mundial baseia-se no "falso consenso" de Washington e Wall Street,que impõe o "sistema de mercado livre" como unica opção possivel na senda ditada pelo avanço da "prosperidade global".A idiologia de mercado livre defende uma forma nova e brutal de intervencionismo do Estado,assente na interferência deliberada nas forças de mercado.Suprimindo os direitos dos cidadãos,o "comércio livre",sob a égide da OMC concede "direitos inalianáveis" aos maiores bancos do mundo e ás empresas globais.
Tem vindo a desenvolver-se um "consenso politico" apoiado pelo acordo de Bretton Woods;por todo o mundo,os governos adoptaram inequivocamente objectivos de cariz neoliberal.As mesmas medidas económicas são aplicadas a nível mundial.
Outras organizações "semi-secretas" -- que desempenham um papel importante na definição das instituições da Nova Ordem Mundial -- incluem a Comissão Trilateral,o grupo Bilderberg e o Conselho para as Relações Exteriores (CFR).

Michel Chossudovsky no seu livro A Globalização da Pobreza.

The Oil Empire : www.oilempire.us/hydrogen.html http://resistir.info/eua/ladroes.html

Os Média na Nova Ordem em:


Os agentes religiosos da Nova Ordem:

Friday, May 18, 2007

Noticias da Nova Ordem


25May07 - Danny Estulin - Full list of 2007 Bilderberg participants leaked!

None of the royals such as Prince Phillipe of Belgium, Queen Sophia of Spain, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands nor Prince Charles of Britain are on the list so it is clearly a Bilderberg sanitised leak
Anyway, here at least some of this year's Bilderbergers!


"Decent people tend to find it somewhat difficult that there could be individuals so evil in nature as to actually wish to take control of the whole world under conditions amounting to theft,slavery,brutality and to have as their goal the imposition of a world totalitarian dictatorship".

Gunther K Russbacher in The Art of Global Politics.




-~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---1. NEWS UPDATES-~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/News/[Note: the following is a text version of the headlines. There may be embedded links and/or photos that accompany the stories at the above URL]

THE GENTLEMEN'S CLUB FOR THE RICH AND FAMOUS THAT WORSHIPS A 1980S PAGE 3 GIRLhttp://tinyurl.com/2jhz7j A former British topless model has become the extraordinary obsession of members of America’s most illustrious and secretive men's club, which is trying to track her down in time for its 100th anniversary party next month. The Bohemian Grove Club holds an annual summer camp at which members, who include Henry Kissinger, former President George Bush Senior, Clint Eastwood and Bob Weir, founder member of Sixties rock band the Grateful Dead, debate world politics, perform weird mock Druid ceremonies – and, it turns out, ogle a poster of a blonde in a thong.

MK-ULTRA ARTICHOKE SUBPROJECT 130: PERSONALITY THEORYhttp://ce399.typepad.com/weblog/2007/06/mkultra_articho.html "Dr. William Thetford, along with David Saunders, headed CIA MK-ULTRA SubProject 130: Personality Theory, while at Columbia University between 1971-1978. "Dr. Thetford’s Professional Vita, also available on the A Course in Miracles web site, makes reference to his involvement in a Personality Theory Research Project [...] Involvement in the Unity Church mind control and UFO cult usually comes about through an association with some form of unlicensed ‘therapist,’ healer or guru type figure—possibly even ‘ordained ministers’ in Unity Church serve dual functions as ‘counselors’ or ‘therapists.’ In other words, possible involvement with Unity religion manifests itself as a result of someone seeking some form of psychotherapy, usually to heal childhood or adult trauma and abuse."

MASONRY, ATHEISM, AND CATHOLICISMhttp://cafetheology.org/2007/06/04/mason-atheism-and-catholicism/ An interview with Father Manuel Guerra Gomez on his latest book, La trama masonica ('The Masonic Plot').

Corporate Media Censorship, part 2

Sat, 09 Jun 2007 20:15:14 -0300 Source: www.danielestulin.com
Can we fully depend on media organizations funded by the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Endowment to turn up the heat and beyond the limited, damage-controllable cover story of "greedy, reckless CEOs" and "excess deregulation" to examine the deeper aspects of the corporate scandals which seem to indicate a calculated mass transfer of wealth to the ultra-rich?

So what kind of individual is Allan Hubbard, a huge contributor to the Republican Party? He attended the Bilderberg meetings in 2004 and 2005. The Logan Act specifically states that it is against the law for federal officials to attend secret meetings with private citizens to develop public policies. However, the American government was represented in 2005 at Rottach-Egern by Allan Hubbard, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Director of the National Economic Council. Others attended as well: “William Luti, deputy under secretary of defense; James Wolfensohn, outgoing president of the World Bank and Paul Wolfowitz, deputy secretary of state, an ideologue of the Iraq war and incoming president of the World Bank. By attending the Bilderberg 2005 meeting, these people broke the federal laws of the United States.”



Research by a leading German zoologist has shown that genes used to genetically modify crops can jump the species barrier, newspapers reported here on Sunday. A three-year study by Professor Hans-Heinrich Kaatz at the University of Jena found that the gene used to modify oil-seed rape had transferred to bacteria living inside honey bees. The findings will undermine claims by the biotech industry and supporters of GM foods that genes cannot spread.


I am a Turkish filmmaker living in Ireland. It has come to my attention that the Bilderberg Group are holding their next meeting in Istanbul this year, between May 31 and June 3rd. I have known about this group since 1993 and have been following their activities over the past 14 years. According to many sources, since its inception in 1954 by former Nazi S.S. Officer Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands, the Bilderberg Group have been covertly continuing the Nazi policy of creating a New World Order (a global totalitarian dictatorship).



A lista de participantes de Bilderberg em Portugal em 1999:


Os Portugueses de Bilderberg: www.semanario.pt/noticia.php?ID=2574

A familia Bush e a Administração Bush em http://novadesordemmundial.blogspot.com/2004/09/familia-bush.html


What Are We Doing Here?

Re: [Educate-Yourself_Forum] what are we doing here?
There is ignorance and lunacy happening, but I don't believe the people living this way are the lunatics, although they most certainly are ignorant to the truth of their own lives. Most are in a place where the powers that be keep most of us working our buts off, just barely able to make ends meet, so we don'thave time to even think about a different way. Can't see the forest for the trees. We are living in tyranny as slaves for the elite. Another thing to consider is how the masses are dumbed down or held down by a variety of things such as education, church, etc., and possibly made docile by things like ULF and flouride. I had a very hard time when I was a teenager looking at the future. I just couldn't stand the idea of living the life you just described because it just seems so pointless! That's how I ended up totally messing up my life and divorcing society to live on the streets. Well, that wasn't the answer either.People don't want to see the truth of what's going on in this world because it would mean their whole life has been a lie..... and who wants to come to that realization? If one has any stirrings of reality happening in their minds, it is hushed by the constant bombardment of the ULF frequencies or the dulling of the sense by flouride in the water we drink.So what is the answer? I figure do the best you can to try to wake people upslowly to the tyranny that is happening all around. I just try to give them little clues of the truth so they don't get all defensive from information overload. For example, making people aware of how the Rep Natl Committee is trying to bar Ron Paul from speaking in future debates is a good way to open some minds up to how the system has been (not) working lately, and it also makes them aware of a candidate they might not have even known existed due to the bias of the news media(www.takebackthemedia.com ). Hopefully, this new knowledge will open them up to the reason why people are trying to silence this candidate.Things are changing and people are starting to wake up. I just hope it's not too late. Eventually, if the elite don't crush us first, we the people will have had enough and a revolt will happen. I do feel that something big is coming, although I'm not sure what form it will take. I am doing what I can to prepare for this "hurricane", for myself and for my family and friends (and maybe even for my neighbors).It's funny that I used to worry about "sin" and how I might go to hell if Idid one wrong thing. Well, if there is a hell, I know who's going and it isn't me! lol For a while, all the stuff that gets talked about in this forum would scare meand I'd end up depressed. Not anymore, though. Now I know that I am doing what I can to help others to see, to make my own subtle statement as a consumer, and to prepare for the future. That's all I can do, and it makes me feel better.
My $0.02Blessings

This post have been posted in http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Educate-Yourself_Forum/?yguid=183007070

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Money Masters


"Dêem-me o poder sobre a moeda de um país e eu não quero saber quem faz as leis".

Meyer A. Rothschield

"The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits,or so dependent on its favours,that there will be no opposition from that class; while on the other hand,the great body of people,mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages...will bear its burden without complaint,and perhaps without suspecting that the system is inimical to their best interests."
A Rothschild family communiqué to associates in New York in 1863




Como a falência dos estados está na base da Europa actual e dos United States Corporation e do seu controlo pelos banksters:

"Se o estado se esgota nas suas próprias convulsões ou se suas comoções internas o põem à merçê dos inimigos externos,pode ser considerado irremediavelmente perdido; caiu em nosso poder.O despotismo do capital,intacto entre nossas mãos,aparece-lhe como uma tábua de salvação,à qual,queira ou não queira,tem de se agarrar para não ir ao fundo".Protocolo 1 ( http://sionrevelation.blogspot.com/ http://senhoresdomundo.blogspot.com/2005/05/os-protocolos-cintifcos.html )

Criminal Bankruptcy em http://aagendasecreta.blogspot.com/2006/10/world-conspiracy.html

Um Homem das Cidades: Como é que os bancos criam dinheiro a partir ...

John Kenneth Galbraith: «O processo pelo qual os b...

DINHEIRO VINDO DO NADA:Saiba a Verdade Sobre o Sistema Financeiro Mundial Uma sociedade sem dinheiro vivo e os microchips são parte de uma ferramenta fundamental no controle da existência humana: o sistema financeiro mundial.Pergunte às pessoas porque elas não estão dizendo ou fazendo o que realmente acreditam ser o correto e a resposta será medo. E uma das principais expressões desse medo é a necessidade de ganhar dinheiro para sobreviver. Essa é a idéia: se você pode inflar artificialmente o custo das necessidades básicas como comida, moradia e vestuário, você pode pressionar as pessoas a servir o seu sistema. Quanto menos você precisa ganhar, mais escolhas você tem para viver a vida como achar melhor. E quanto mais você precisa, menos escolhas você tem.Essa fraude é fundada na maior de todas as trapaças: o pagamento de juros sobre um dinheiro que não existe. O fato de que nós, como um todo, toleramos isso, revela muito sobre a escala da clonagem mental coletiva que tem se espalhado neste planeta.


Sir Josiah Stamp, president of the Bank of England and the second richest man in Britain in the 1920s, spoke at the University ofTexas in 1927 and revealed:
"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was every invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin …. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again …. Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in …. But if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit."


A relatively small clique is enslaving humanity. This is the London-based central banking cartel that controls the credit of most nations and is the mainspring of the Illuminati which controls Freemasonry. It has filched the government's credit card and can buy anything/anyone and charge the taxpayer.Henry Makow ( www.savethemales.ca/001754.html )www.savethemales.ca/archives.html

O Clube dos banksters globalistas: http://www.bilderberg.org/
O Conhecimento Proibido:


O Banco Central Europeu e seus jogos monetários:
Jean-Claude Trichet e os quarenta ladrões

The Road to Tyrany/ 11 de Setembro em http://aagendasecreta.blogspot.com/

As Fontes do Terrorismo em http://novadesordemmundial.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

O 1º de Maio Oculto

Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati: Proofs of a Conspiracy Against all ... - Traduzir esta página
Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati and Reading Societies. ... Fourth edition 1798. [ out of copyright - reproduce at will] ...www.bilderberg.org/lucis.htm

Secret societies do nothing without multiple layers of esoteric meaning; symbolism is of vital importance. It was in this tradition that Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati on May 1st, 1776. When we look at the doctrine of the Illuminati, it becomes clear that the choice of May Day for its birth was no coincidence.


Secret societies do nothing without multiple layers of esoteric meaning; symbolism is of vital importance. It was in this tradition that Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati on May 1st, 1776. When we look at the doctrine of the Illuminati, it becomes clear that the choice of May Day for its birth was no coincidence.

"Por vezes os homens tropeçam na verdade,mas logo se levantam e seguem o seu caminho".
Winston Churchill


"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." David Rockefeller - 23rd September 1994


"The world´s elite families,no more than 13 at the top of the pyramide,manipulate their control of humanity through a network of secret societies.This network and the interbreeding bloodlines it serves have become know as the Illuminati, the ´Illuminated Ones´.All the major secret societies feed carefully chosen recruits into the Illuminati and these are the ones you find in positions of power throughout the world."


Secrets of the watchtower bible and tract society:

http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/dirtywatchtowersecrets.htm RUSSELLS WHO FOUNDED FRATERNAL SOCIETIES
William Huntington Russell - founder of what is believed to be an American chapter of the Illuminati (Skull & Bones Order).9 More on this in chapter 2.3. It’s legal name is Russell Trust.
Charles Taze Russell - Knights Templar Mason of York Rite, in Allegheny Pa. and founder of the WT Society.

A Simbologia Maçónica dos EUA em


A Simbologia Maçónica da União Soviética em


The purpose of the New World Order is the same as Communism. The Illuminati created Communism as a means to flaunt God's will and enslave mankind. Karl Marx was hired to sell totalitarian rule ("the dictatorship of the proletariat"). Marx duped the masses by pretending to espouse equality. He was a Satanist as were Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin.
Henry Makow (www.v72.org/illuminati_god.htm )



Links do 1º de Maio oculto:




A World Conspiracy:


A Nova Ordem Mundial em


Conspiracy Planet - Bilderbergers - World Bank President Wolfowitz Goes ...

O elemento primordial do controle social é a estratégia da distração que consiste em desviar a atenção do público dos problemas importantes e das mudanças decididas pelas elites políticas e econômicas, mediante a técnica do dilúvio ou inundações de contínuas distrações e de informações insignificantes.
A estratégia da distração é igualmente indispensável para impedir ao público de interessar-se pelos conhecimentos essenciais, na área da ciência, da economia, da psicologia, da neurobiologia e da cibernética.
“Manter a atenção do público distraída, longe dos verdadeiros problemas sociais, cativada por temas sem importância real. Manter o público ocupado, ocupado, ocupado, sem nenhum tempo para pensar; de volta à granja como os outros animais” (citação do texto “Armas silenciosas para guerras tranqüilas”.)

