Order out of Chaos.Primeiro dividiram para reinar,agora do caos sairá a nova ordem.'Os fins justificam os meios' é também um dos seus motos. http://senhoresdomundo.blogspot.com/2005/06/os-senhores-do-mundo.html

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wikileaks Bombshell Points To 9/11 Stand Down - http://www.prisonplanet.com/66933.html -


- http://www.syti.net/GB/SilentWeaponsGB.html Armas silenciosas - http://senhoresdomundo.blogspot.com/2010/11/armas-de-distraccao-em-massa.html -


A FARSA WikiLeaks - A Verdade O WIKILEAKS CONSEGUIU CRIMINALIZAR A INTERNET! ... Assange vai soltar documentos que vão motivar um ataque terrorista e isso vai ser o golpe final, ...averdade.jimdo.com/a-farsa-wikileaks/ -- Julian Assange do Wikileaks: “Falsas Teorias de Conspiração Sobre ... 7 dez. 2010 ... A campanha de desligamento na internet dá um grande passo nessa ... máquinas/servidor da Rússia para mascarar a bandeira do ataque). ... blog.antinovaordemmundial.com/2010/12... -- Julian Assange – Part of The New World Order ? The True ViewSo far the Rockefeller/Rothschild League has done a great job manufacturing and leveraging ... The latest news coming from WikiLeaks involves its CEO, Julian Assange, .... The Censoring of The Internet · It's Not Too Late To Be Heard ... http://conspiracy-theory-secrets.com/julian-assange-part-of-the-new-world-order/ -- Internet is world's greatest spying machine says Wikileaks Founder Facebook and other social sites at top - -02-18-2011: Destructive cyber attack inevitable: NSA chief The US National Security Agency (NSA) chief on Thursday urged top computer security specialists to harden the nation's critical infrastructure against inevitable destructive cyber attacks. - Os média da Nova Ordem http://aagendasecreta.blogspot.com/2007/05/os-mdia-da-nova-ordem.html - Prime Occult Date 3/11/11 HAARP Causes an 8.9 Earthquake Japão - http://www.activistpost.com/2011/02/globalist-coup-plotters-acting-shady.html No norte de Africa e afins -- Mudança?Que mudança?Change?What change? http://novadesordemmundial.blogspot.com/2011/03/httpnwoobserver.html - http://oquedeusquer.blogspot.com/2011/02/httpwww.html http://oquedeusquer.blogspot.com/2010/12/white-dragon-society-6-jun-2010.html

These two I’ve found to tell the truth: 9/11 and related: Intelligence reports http://abeldanger.net/ Technical documentation http://ae911truth.org/ – Please ‘Share’

1/10 The Committee of 300 Conspirators’ Hierarchy: Dr. John Coleman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FZxAkDxRwc&feature=share

Friday, February 11, 2011

O Olho da Europa


All the governing council of the European Monetary Union met not only about the ... The new Eurozone logo represents the “All Seeing Eye” of the illuminati. 12 stars in the flag represent 6+6 that equals the prime illuminati Occult ...adventofdeception.com/eurozone-central-bank-deception

A seguir a simbologia maçónica em Israel






http://nwoobserver.wordpress.com/2009/12/03/the-aim-of-the-financiers-a-one-world-government/ // http://reality101blog.blogspot.com/



Visualizar--Uma Grande Fusão das Forças da Magia






The Zionist Billionaires Who Control Politics (February 23, 2011)