The New World Order
Will The Federal Reserve Cause a Civil War?
(Revista TIMES)
Uma explicação básica do sistema em piramide para iniciantes:
Esquema em pirâmide - Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Se entendeu a fraude agora podemos continuar com a grande piramide!
A Síntese da Nova Ordem
«O sistema bancário foi concebido na iniquidade e nasceu em pecado. Se quiserem continuar a ser escravos dos banqueiros e pagar o preço da vossa escravidão, então deixem os banqueiros continuar a criar moeda e a controlar o crédito.»
Sir Josiah Stamp ex-presidente do Banco de Inglaterra
Uma explicação básica do sistema em piramide para iniciantes:
Esquema em pirâmide - Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Se entendeu a fraude agora podemos continuar com a grande piramide!
A Síntese da Nova Ordem
«O sistema bancário foi concebido na iniquidade e nasceu em pecado. Se quiserem continuar a ser escravos dos banqueiros e pagar o preço da vossa escravidão, então deixem os banqueiros continuar a criar moeda e a controlar o crédito.»
Sir Josiah Stamp ex-presidente do Banco de Inglaterra
“O banco está a tentar matar-me – mas acabarei com ele!” “Se o povo americano pudesse ao menos entender o grau de injustiça do nosso sistema monetário e bancário – haveria uma revolução ainda esta noite…”
Andrew Jackson – 7º presidente dos EUA, 1936
- The History of Money – part 1, part 2
"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance."
President James Madison
How Do They Control The World?
The Clock Is Ticking (on the western money-as-debt system)
2/5/10-MEET JIM TRAFICANT-FED GAVE Banks Access to 23.7 TRILLION DOLLARS NOT $700 Billion!
International Banksters Meet to Plan a New Global Financial Order ...
8 Oct 2008 ... With Americans still reeling from the $700 billion bailout of banksters on Wallstreet, the globalist international banksters are meeting - Cached - Similar
Pawns in the Game (International Banksters Conspiracy Exposed NWO ...
Book "Pawns in the Game" (1958), by the former British Intelligence Agent William Guy Carr. Religion Christianity conspiracy Illuminati - Cached - Similar
TruthSeeker24's anti-N.W.O. corner: Oliver Stone Says Banksters ...
26 Jan 2010 ... Not only did the banksters support and encourage Hitler and the Nazis, they also created from scratch the communism the German dictator - Cached
Barack Obama Illuminati - [ Traduzir esta página ]
Barack Obama Illuminati? The Antichrist Identity is a 3 Part Series which examines the controversy on the link between Barack Obama and the
Documentário: The Obama Deception (Obama, a Fraude)
Fall of the Republic HQ full length version
Streaming Information Dynamics.: U.S. INC. GOES TO GENEVA 1930's - [ Traduzir esta página ]
The nations of the world met in Geneva Switzerland for 5 continuous years in order ... France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal etc. all declared bankruptcy. - Em cache - Semelhante
29 Oct 2001 ... Mr. Rothschild was president of his Geneva-based bank and ..... said that "the wealth of Rothschild consists of the bankruptcy of nations" - Em cache -
"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance."
President James Madison
How Do They Control The World?
The Clock Is Ticking (on the western money-as-debt system)
2/5/10-MEET JIM TRAFICANT-FED GAVE Banks Access to 23.7 TRILLION DOLLARS NOT $700 Billion!
International Banksters Meet to Plan a New Global Financial Order ...
8 Oct 2008 ... With Americans still reeling from the $700 billion bailout of banksters on Wallstreet, the globalist international banksters are meeting - Cached - Similar
Pawns in the Game (International Banksters Conspiracy Exposed NWO ...
Book "Pawns in the Game" (1958), by the former British Intelligence Agent William Guy Carr. Religion Christianity conspiracy Illuminati - Cached - Similar
TruthSeeker24's anti-N.W.O. corner: Oliver Stone Says Banksters ...
26 Jan 2010 ... Not only did the banksters support and encourage Hitler and the Nazis, they also created from scratch the communism the German dictator - Cached
Barack Obama Illuminati - [ Traduzir esta página ]
Barack Obama Illuminati? The Antichrist Identity is a 3 Part Series which examines the controversy on the link between Barack Obama and the
Documentário: The Obama Deception (Obama, a Fraude)
Fall of the Republic HQ full length version
Streaming Information Dynamics.: U.S. INC. GOES TO GENEVA 1930's - [ Traduzir esta página ]
The nations of the world met in Geneva Switzerland for 5 continuous years in order ... France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal etc. all declared bankruptcy. - Em cache - Semelhante
29 Oct 2001 ... Mr. Rothschild was president of his Geneva-based bank and ..... said that "the wealth of Rothschild consists of the bankruptcy of nations" - Em cache -
All Roads Lead to Rothschild – United Nations of Film - [ Traduzir esta página ]20 Aug 2010 ... We must be clear on this, Zionists are not Jewish people, they are Zionist ... The Rothschild / Rockerfeller / Bush plan for global oil and drug domination has ... the Church of St John the Baptist in Rome is the personal place of worship for ..... None Dare Call It Conspiracy – Gary Allen – 1972 - Em cache´
mhp: The Money Manipulators - [ Traduzir esta página ]by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham, 1971 source: Reactor Core .... is to hold all Baptists accountable for the crimes of the Rockefellers. ... Actually, nobody has a right to be more angry at the Rothschild clique than their fellow Jews. - Em cache -