"Estamos à beira de uma transformação global. Tudo o que é necessário é a grande crise certa e as nações aceitarão a Nova Ordem Mundial."
- David Rockefeller no Conselho do Comércio das Nações Unidas a 23 de Setembro de 1994.
"Estamos gratos ao The Washington Post, ao The New York Times, à Time Magazine e a outras publicações cujos directores estiveram presentes nas nossas reuniões e respeitaram as suas promessas de discrição durante quase quarenta anos. Ter-nos-ia sido impossível desenvolver o nosso plano para o mundo se tivéssemos estado sujeitos aos holofotes da atenção pública durante esses anos. Mas, o processo está agora muito mais sofisticado e preparado para avançar rumo a um governo mundial. A soberania supranacional de uma elite intelectual e banqueiros mundiais é certamente preferível à autodeterminação nacional praticada nos últimos séculos."
- David Rockefeller num discurso de uma reunião da Comissão Trilateral em Baden-Baden, na Alemanha em Junho de 1991.
David Rockefeller é organizador e membro do Grupo Bilderberg, do Instituto de Relações Internacionais (Council on Foreign Relations - CFR) e Presidente Honorário da Comissão Trilateral.
Trying to come to grips with the world food crisis, it's hard not to subscribe to some version of a conspiracy theory -- that somehow, for some reason, this rush towards widespread world famine is actually a plan by a world clique intent on drastically reducing the world population, accelerating the collapse of national governments, allowing gigantic world corporations effectively to take their place, controlling vast areas of land, leading towards a world governed by these corporations. Especially with the US so clear in its assumption that indeed widespread famine is in the cards, for which it does not want to be held responsible. Forget about global warming (which is of course very real and harmful to food production). Here are a few more red flags...
Trying to come to grips with the world food crisis, it's hard not to subscribe to some version of a conspiracy theory -- that somehow, for some reason, this rush towards widespread world famine is actually a plan by a world clique intent on drastically reducing the world population, accelerating the collapse of national governments, allowing gigantic world corporations effectively to take their place, controlling vast areas of land, leading towards a world governed by these corporations. Especially with the US so clear in its assumption that indeed widespread famine is in the cards, for which it does not want to be held responsible. Forget about global warming (which is of course very real and harmful to food production). Here are a few more red flags...